What it’s like
Founded in 1256, re-endowed in 1563, it was rebuilt on its present site in 1870.
This is a most agreeable estate of some 35 acres of grounds and handsome
buildings, a few hundred yards from the centre of Abingdon and six miles from
Oxford. Over the past 50 years there has been steady expansion, most recently
adding 30 more acres of playing fields adjacent to its junior school. Facilities
are good and well-maintained, and boarding accommodation comfortable (weekly
boarding is a deliberate policy). Dayboys are in the majority but in many ways
it feels and operates like a boarding school. Pastoral care is particularly
effective. The school is Anglican by tradition. It has the reputation of being a
versatile, purposeful and unpretentious school which provides an academic
all-round education. A staff:pupil ratio of about 1:11 ensures high academic
standards and examination results are excellent. A high proportion of sixth-form
leavers goes on to Oxbridge each year. Music is particularly strong. A very
large number of pupils learn a musical instrument; orchestras and choirs have
vigorous support, as do other musical groups. Drama is also strong. Facilities
for sports and games are first rate and there is a fair number of
representatives at county level and rowing at a national standard. Numerous
clubs and activities exist and an enterprising variety of overseas trips is
organised annually. The CCF works in conjunction with community services and the
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. There are close connections with other local
schools – including some joint sixth-form teaching with St Helen & St Katharine
girls’ school – and with the local community and The Mercers’ Company.
School profile
Scholarships, bursaries & extras 18–23 scholarships, value £300–100%
fees (means-tested): 15–18 pa at 13 (13–16 academic, 1 art, 1–3 music, 4–5
all-rounder), 3–5 sixth form (1–2 academic, 2–3 all-rounder). Variable number of
bursaries for short-term help. Lunches and textbooks are included in the fees.
Parents 30+% are doctors, lawyers etc; 35+% in industry/commerce; 17%
academics. 80% live within 30 miles, under 10% live overseas.
Head & staff
Headmaster: Mark Turner, appointed 2002. Educated at Rossall and at the
universities of Oxford (geography) and Cambridge (PGCE). Previously Head of
Kelly College and Housemaster and Head of Geography at Oundle. Also ISI
inspector, member of the Admiralty Interview Board, Governor at a number of prep
schools; previously army captain.
Teaching staff: 74 full time, 8 part time plus 37 music. Annual turnover
7%. Average age early 40s.
Exam results
GCSE: In 2003, 124 pupils in fifth: all gain at least grade C in 7
subjects, an average of 9.6 subjects with a GCSE score of 66 (68 over 5 years).
A-levels: 129 in upper sixth, 99% of whom passed in 3+ subjects. Average
final point score achieved by upper sixth formers 402.
University & college entrance 99% of sixth-form leavers go on to a
degree course (40% after a gap year), 20+% to Oxbridge. 40% took courses in
science, engineering & medicine, 40% in humanities, social sciences and art, 20%
in vocational subjects.
Curriculum GCSE, AS and A-levels. 24 subjects at AS/A-level.
Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 4 subjects at AS-level, 3 or 4 at
A-level; in addition, general studies AS-level an option. 15% take science
A-levels; 15% arts/humanities; 70% both. Aspects of key skills are taught. Some
sixth-form teaching jointly with St Helen & St Katharine.
Vocational: Work experience available.
Special provision: Full-time Learning Support Coordinator and EFL teacher
(additional English for non-native speakers), both with part-time assistants.
Successful with able/gifted children.
Languages: French, German and Spanish offered to GCSE, AS and A-level.
30% take French GCSE early. Regular exchanges to France, Russia and Germany.
Satellite link for French and German TV; computer link with French schools.
ICT: Taught both as a discrete subject (1 lesson/week in Year 7–9) and
across the curriculum. 160 computers for pupil use (9 hours a day), all
networked and with broadband e-mail and internet access. Pupils take Clait.
The arts
Music: 60% of pupils learn a musical instrument; many instrumental exams
are taken at a high level. Some 20+ musical groups including 3 orchestras, 5
bands, 2 choirs, choral society, flute, cello, clarinet, brass ensembles, jazz,
various chamber groups. In recent years, winners of Daily Telegraph Jazz
Competition; regional finalists in National Chamber Music Competition; finalist
in National Choirboy of the Year Competition; National Jazz Youth Orchestra and
National Youth Orchestra members; 25 boys in regional youth orchestra. Regular
music tours.
Drama: Drama vigorous. GCSE and A-level drama may be taken. Regular
productions and drama festivals.
Art & design: On average, 28 take GCSE, 8 A-level. Design, ceramics also
offered. Up to 4 pupils a year accepted for art school; 1 pupil commissioned to
do sculpture for local art centre.
Sport & activities
Sport: Rugby, hockey, cricket compulsory 11–13. Optional: rowing, tennis,
cross-country, athletics, badminton, table tennis, fencing, swimming, sailing,
golf, rugby fives, squash, shooting. 4 rowing internationals, GB trialists
annually; 1 in U21 national rugby squad; regional hockey, rugby and cricket
players (various age groups); number of county rugby, hockey, cricket, tennis;
rowing 1st VIII in national top five, won all three major titles in 2002 and
National Schools' Regatta (2004).
Activities: Pupils take bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh’s
Award. CCF and community service optional. Energetic charity fund raising
(averaging £16,000 pa). Programme of extra-curricular activities (known as The
Other Half) includes up to 30 clubs, eg chess, debating, film unit, electronics,
brewing, politics, bridge, literary, history, modern languages.
School life
Uniform: Simple school uniform worn throughout.
Houses & prefects: Competitive houses (2 boarding, 6 day, 1
day/boarding). 2 head boys, prefects, head of house and house prefects.
Religion: Attendance at short weekly religious service compulsory (unless
prior dispensation).
Social: Joint activities with other schools eg debates, drama productions
(local girls’ schools), careers evenings, choral work; some joint sixth-form
teaching with St Helen & St Katharine. Annual cultural visits to eg Turkey,
Egypt, Italy; ski trips; language exchanges to Russia, Germany and France; music
tours eg orchestra to Central/Eastern Europe, big band to Greece and France,
choir to Western Europe. Meals occasionally formal, usually self-service. No
tobacco or alcohol allowed.
Discipline Response to misdemeanours depends on age and past record
but poor work is penalised, separately, in a special work detention. Major, ie
law-breaking, offences (drugs, theft) punished by expulsion.
Boarding 10% have own study bedrooms; 80% share with 1–3 others. 10%
(age 11-13 only) in dormitories of 6+. Houses of 25–55. Resident qualified
nurse; doctor attends frequently. Pupils can provide and cook own food. Weekly
boarders can stay at weekends. Older boys may visit local town at housemaster’s
Alumni association is run by The Administrator, The Old Abingdonian
Club, c/o the school.
Former pupils Francis Maude MP, Peter Bradley MP, Robert Hayward, Sir
George Sinclair (former MPs); Ben Macintyre (Times journalist); Tom Kempinski
(playwright); Julius Green, Robin Kermode, Tom Hollander, Toby Jones (the
theatre); Michael Grigsby (Documentary Filmmaker); Sir Andrew Foster (Audit
Commission); Radiohead (pop group); Tim Parker (Clarks International).